github nautobot/nautobot v2.0.0-alpha.1
v2.0.0-alpha.1 - 2022-01-31

latest releases: v2.3.4, v2.3.3, v2.3.2...
pre-release19 months ago

Nautobot v2.0

This document describes all new features and changes in Nautobot 2.0.

If you are a user migrating from Nautobot v1.X, please refer to the "Upgrading from Nautobot v1.X" documentation.

Release Overview


Generic Role Model (#1063)

DeviceRole, RackRole, IPAM Role, and IPAddressRoleChoices have all been merged into a single generic Role model. A role can now be created and associated to one or more of the content-types that previously implemented role as a field. These model content-types include dcim.device, dcim.rack, virtualization.virtualmachine, ipam.ipaddress, ipam.prefix, and ipam.vlan.

Added Site Fields to Location (#2954)

Added Site Model Fields to Location. Location Model now has asn, comments, contact_email, contact_name, contact_phone, facility, latitude, longitude, physical_address, shipping_address and time_zone fields.


Collapse Region and Site Models into Location (#2517)

Initial Data Migration

The Site and Region models have been removed in v2.0 and have been replaced with Location of specific LocationType. As a result, the existing Site and Region data will be migrated to corresponding LocationType and Location objects. Here is what to expect:

  1. If you do not have any Site and Region instances in your existing database, running this data migration will do nothing.

  2. If you only have Region instances in your existing database, a LocationType named Region will be created and for each legacy Region instance, a corresponding Location instance with the same attributes (name, description, etc.) and hierarchy will be created.

  3. If you only have Site instances in your existing database:

    • A LocationType named Site will be created and every preexisting root level LocationType in your database will be updated to have the new Site LocationType as their parent.

    • For each legacy Site instance, a corresponding Location instance with the same attributes (name, description, tenant, facility, asn, latitude, longitude, etc.) will be created, and any preexisting Locations in your database will be updated to have the appropriate "site" Locations as their parents.

    • Model instances that had a site field (CircuitTermination, Device, PowerPanel, RackGroup, Rack, Prefix, VLANGroup, VLAN, Cluster) assigned and did not have a location attribute assigned will be updated to have their location point to the new Location corresponding to that Site. All other attributes on these models will remain unchanged.

    For Example:

    • We will start with a Site instance with name AMS01 as the base Site for two top-level Location objects with names root-01 and root-02 respectively.

    • During the data migration, a LocationType named Site will be created, and a Location of Site LocationType named AMS01 with all the information (asn, latitude, etc.) from the base Site will be created.

    • The Location objects named root-01 and root-02 will have this AMS01 Location set as their parent.

  4. If you have both Site and Region instances in your existing database:

    • A LocationType named Region will be created.

    • For each legacy Region instance, a corresponding Location instance with the same attributes (name, description, etc.) will be created.

    • A LocationType named Site will be created with the new LocationType named Region set as its parent.

    • Every pre-existing root-level LocationType in your database will be updated to have the new LocationType named Site as its parent.

    • For each legacy Site instance, a corresponding "site" Location instance with the same attributes (name, description, tenant, facility, asn, latitude, longitude, etc.) will be created with its parent set to the corresponding "region" Location if any.

      • If you have Site instances in your database without a Region assigned to them, one additional Location named Global Region of LocationType Region will be created and each Location of LocationType Site created from the legacy region-less Site instances will have the Global Region Location as their parent.
    • Model instances that had a site attribute (CircuitTermination, Device, PowerPanel, RackGroup, Rack, Prefix, VLANGroup, VLAN, Cluster) assigned and did not have a location attribute assigned will be updated to have their location point to the new Location of LocationType Site. All other attributes on these models will remain unchanged.

    For Example:

    • There are two Site instances and one Region instance in your existing database. The Region with name America has one child Site instance named AMS01. And the other Site instance named AUS01 is not associated with any Region (region attribute is set to None).

    • The Site AMS01 is the base Site for two top-level Location objects with names root-01 and root-02 respectively.

    • During the data migration, a LocationType named Region and a Location of this LocationType named America with all the same information will be created.

    • The LocationType named Site with its parent set as the new LocationType Region and a Location of LocationType named AMS01 with all the same information (asn, latitude, etc.) will be created. The Location AMS01 will have Location America as its parent and each - Location root-01 and root-02 will have Location AMS01 as its parent.

    • Finally, the Site instance AUS01, since it does not have a Region instance associated with it, its corresponding Location AUS01 will have a new Location named Global Region of LocationType Region as its parent.

    • In addition, legacy Site instance with name AMS01 also has three Device instances associated with it named ams01-edge-01, ams01-edge-02, and ams01-edge-03.

    • However, ams01-edge-01 only has its site attribute set as Site AMS01 whereas ams01-edge-02 and ams01-edge-03 have both its site and location attributes set Site AMS01 and Location root-01 respectively.

    • During the data migration, ams01-edge-01's location attribute will point to the new Location of LocationType Site with name AMS01 while devices ams01-edge-02 and ams01-edge-03 will remain unchanged.

Collapsed nautobot.utilities into nautobot.core (#2721)

nautobot.utilities no longer exists as a separate Python module or Django app. Its functionality has been collapsed into the nautobot.core app. See details at Python Code Location Changes.

Renamed Database Foreign Keys and Related Names (#2520)

Some Foreign Key fields have been renamed to follow a more self-consistent pattern across the Nautobot app. This change is aimed to offer more clarity and predictability when it comes to related object database operations:

For example in v1.x to create a circuit object with type "circuit-type-1", you would do:

    cid="Circuit 1",

and to filter Circuit objects of type "circuit-type-2", you would do:


Now in v2.x, we have renamed the Foreign Key field type on Circuit Model to circuit_type, because this naming convention made it clearer that this Foregin Key field is pointing to the model CircuitType. The same operations would look like:

    cid="Circuit 1",

Check out more Foreign Key related changes documented in the table Renamed Database Fields

In addition to the changes made to Foreign Key fields' own names, some of their related_names are also renamed:

For example in v1.x, to query Circuit objects with CircuitTermination instances located in sites ["ams01", "ams02", "atl03"], you would do:

Circuit.objects.filter(terminations__site__in=["ams01", "ams02", "atl03"])

Now in v2.x, we have renamed the Foreign Key field circuit's related_name attribute terminations on CircuitTermination Model to circuit_terminations, the same operations would look like:

Circuit.objects.filter(circuit_terminations__site__in=["ams01", "ams02", "atl03"])

Check out more related-name changes documented in the table Renamed Database Fields

Renamed Filter Fields (#2804)

Some filter fields have been renamed to reflect their functionalities better.

For example in v1.X, to filter FrontPorts that has a cable attached in the UI or make changes to them via Rest API, you would use the cabled filter:


Now in v2.x, you would instead use the has_cable filter which has a more user-friendly name:


Check out the specific changes documented in the table at UI and REST API Filter Changes

Enhanced Filter Fields (#2804)

Many filter fields have been enhanced to enable filtering by both slugs and UUID primary keys.

For example in v1.X, to filter Regions with a specific parent value in the UI or make changes to them via Rest API, you are only able to input slugs as the filter values:


Now in v2.x, you are able to filter those Regions by slugs or UUID primary keys:

/dcim/regions/?parent=<slug> or /dcim/regions/?parent=<uuid>

Check out the specific changes documented in the table at UI and REST API Filter Changes

Corrected Filter Fields (#2804)

There were also instances where a foreign-key related field (e.g. console_ports) was incorrectly mapped to a boolean membership filter (e.g. has_console_ports), making it impossible to filter based on specific values of the foreign key:

For example in v1.x:

/dcim/devices/?console_ports=True and /dcim/devices/?has_console_ports=True are functionally the same and this behavior is incorrect.

This has been addressed in v2.x as follows:

console_ports and similar filters are taking foreign key UUIDs as input values and can be used in this format: /dcim/devices/?console_ports=<uuid> whereas has_console_ports and similar filters remain the same.

Check out the specific changes documented in the table at UI and REST API Filter Changes

Generic Role Model (#1063)

The DeviceRole, RackRole, ipam.Role, and IPAddressRoleChoices have all been removed and replaced with a extras.Role model, This means that all references to any of the replaced models and choices now points to this generic role model.

In addition, the role field of the IPAddress model has also been changed from a choice field to a foreign key related field to the extras.Role model.


Removed Redundant Filter Fields (#2804)

As a part of breaking changes made in v2.X, shadowed filter/filterset fields are being removed throughout Nautobot.

In Nautobot 1.x, for some of the foreign-key related fields:
- The field was shadowed for the purpose of replacing the PK filter with a lookup-based on a more human-readable value (typically slug, if available).
- A PK-based filter was available as well, generally with a name suffixed by _id

Now these two filter fields will be replaced by a single filter field that can support both slugs and UUID primary keys as inputs; As a result, PK-based filters suffixed by _id will no longer be supported in v2.0.

For example in v1.X, to filter Devices with a specific site value in the UI or make changes to them via Rest API with a UUID primary key, you will use:


Now in v2.x, that format is no longer supported. Instead, you would use:


Check out the specific changes documented in the table at UI and REST API Filter Changes

Removed RQ support (#2523)

Support for RQ and django-rq, deprecated since Nautobot 1.1.0, has been fully removed from Nautobot 2.0.

v2.0.0-alpha.1 (2023-01-31)


  • #204 - Added style guide documentation for importing python modules in Nautobot.
  • #1731 - Added missing filters to circuits app.
  • #1733 - Added support for filtering on many more fields to the Tenant and TenantGroup filtersets.
  • #2954 - Added fields (contact_name, latitude, etc.) from Site model to Location model to prepare for merging all sites into locations.
  • #2955 - Added "Region" and "Site" LocationTypes and their respective locations based on existing Site and Region instances.
  • #3132 - Added the ability for apps to register their models for inclusion in the global Nautobot search.


  • #204 - Changed imports to use module namespaces in utilities/
  • #510 - The Region, RackGroup, TenantGroup, and InventoryItem models are now based on django-tree-queries instead of django-mptt. This does change the API for certain tree operations on these models, for example get_ancestors() is now ancestors() and get_descendants() is now descendants().
  • #510 - The UI and REST API for Region, RackGroup, and TenantGroup now provide only the related count of objects (e.g. site_count for Region) that are directly related to each instance. Formerly they provided a cumulative total including objects related to its descendants as well.
  • #510 - Renamed field _depth to tree_depth in the REST API for Region, RackGroup, TenantGroup, and InventoryItem.
  • #510 - Renamed InventoryItem database relation child_items and filter fields child_items and has_child_items to children and has_children respectively.
  • #2163 - JobLogEntry.log_object, JobLogEntry.absolute_url, ScheduledJob.queue, and WebHook.ca_file_path no longer permit null database values; use "" instead if needed.
  • #2822 - Collapsed DeviceRole, RackRole, IPAM Role model and IPAddressRoleChoices into a single generic Role model.
  • #2674 - Updated development dependency black to ~22.10.0.
  • #2721 - Collapsed nautobot.utilities into nautobot.core. Refer to the 2.0 migration guide for details.
  • #2771 - Updated jsonschema version to ~4.17.0.
  • #2788 - Changed REST framework allowed versions logic to support 1.2-1.5 and 2.0+.
  • #2803 - Updated mkdocs-include-markdown-plugin to 3.9.1.
  • #2809 - Renamed tag filter on TenantFilterSet to tags same as elsewhere.
  • #2844 - Updated development dependency mkdocstrings-python to 0.8.0.
  • #2872 - Refactored imports in utilities app to follow new code style.
  • #2883 - Updated django-taggit to 3.1.0.
  • #2942 - Updated django-tree-queries to 0.13.0.
  • #2943 - Updated dependency rich to ~12.6.0.
  • #2955 - Changed CircuitTermination, Device, PowerPanel, RackGroup, Rack, Prefix, VLANGroup, VLAN, Cluster instances associated with existing Site model instances to use the newly created corresponding Locations of LocationType "Site".
  • #2993 - Implemented initial database backend for Celery task results.
  • #3027 - Updated dependencies prometheus-client, django-storages, drf-spectacular, black, django-debug-toolbar, mkdocstrings, mkdocstrings-python, pylint, requests, selenium, watchdog.
  • #3068 - Renamed fields on Circuit model: type to circuit_type, terminations to circuit_terminations, termination_a to circuit_termination_a, and termination_z to circuit_termination_z.
  • #3068 - Renamed reverse-relation circuittermination to circuit_terminations on the CablePath model.
  • #3068 - Renamed group field to vlan_group on VLAN model, renamed ipaddresses to ip_addresses on Service model.
  • #3068 - Renamed group field to tenant_group on Tenant model.
  • #3069 - Renamed foreign key fields and related names in Virtualization and DCIM apps to follow a common naming convention. See v2 upgrade guide for full list of changes.
  • #3177 - Updated VLANFactory to generate longer and more "realistic" VLAN names.


  • #1982 - Fixed a UI presentation/validation issue with dynamic-groups using foreign-key filters that aren't explicitly defined in the corresponding FilterForm.
  • #2808 - Fixed incorrectly named filters in circuits app.
  • #3126 - Fixed Interface not raising exception when adding a VLAN from a different Site in tagged_vlans.
  • #3153 - Made integration test CableConnectFormTestCase.test_js_functionality more resilient and less prone to erroneous failures.
  • #3167 - Fixed ObjectChange records not being migrated and legacy_role__name not being a property in Role migrations.
  • #3177 - Fixed a spurious failure in BulkEditObjectsViewTestCase.test_bulk_edit_objects_with_constrained_permission.


  • #510 - Removed dependency on django-mptt. Models (Region, RackGroup, TenantGroup, InventoryItem) that previously were based on MPTT are now implemented using django-tree-queries instead.
  • #1731 - Removed redundant filters from circuits app.
  • #2163 - Removed unused NullableCharField, NullableCharFieldFilter and MACAddressField (not to be confused with MACAddressCharField, which remains) classes.
  • #2523 - Removed django-rq dependency and support for RQ workers.
  • #2815 - Removed pycryptodome dependency as it is no longer used.
  • #2993 - Removed NAUTOBOT_CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND environment variable used to customize where Celery stores task results.
  • #2993 - Removed optional settings documentation for CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND as it is no longer user-serviceable.
  • #2993 - Removed optional settings documentation for CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND_TRANSPORT_OPTIONS as it is no longer user-serviceable.
  • #3130 - Removed CSS_CLASSES definitions from legacy ChoiceSets.


Full Changelog: v1.5.9...v2.0.0-alpha.1

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