github nautobot/nautobot v1.6.22
v1.6.22 - 2024-05-13

latest releases: v2.2.5, v1.6.23
18 days ago

What's Changed


  • #1858 - Added sanitization of HTML tags in the content of BANNER_TOP, BANNER_BOTTOM, and BANNER_LOGIN configuration to prevent against potential injection of malicious scripts (stored XSS) via these features (GHSA-r2hr-4v48-fjv3).


  • #1858 - Added support in BRANDING_FILEPATHS configuration to specify a custom css and/or javascript file to be added to Nautobot page content.
  • #1858 - Added Markdown support to the BANNER_TOP, BANNER_BOTTOM, and BANNER_LOGIN configuration settings.


  • #2974 - Fixed an error when deleting and then recreating a GitRepository that provides Jobs.


Full Changelog: v1.6.21...v1.6.22

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