github nautobot/nautobot v1.5.8
v1.5.8 - 2023-01-23

latest releases: v1.6.24, v2.2.6, v2.2.5...
17 months ago


  • #3103 - Added Redis troubleshooting section to installation docs.


  • #3072 - In Nautobot's unit tests, all HTTP requests are now sent with SERVER_NAME set to instead of testserver (Django's default) and the test configuration for Nautobot itself sets ALLOWED_HOSTS to expect This is intended to protect against issues such as #3065.
  • #3077 - Updated Nautobot release checklist to reflect current branching and pull request process.
  • #3112 - Converted eligible prefetch_related() to select_related() queries. Users should note a performance gain from this change, but note that cacheops is no longer recommended in v1.5 and this change will likely result in invalid data responses if cacheops remains enabled in your environment. Cacheops will be removed entirely in a future release.
  • #3121 - Updated Config Contexts documentation to denote support for associating by Device Redundancy Group membership.


  • #2244 - Fixed an unnecessary and sometimes problematic database access from the Celery worker before it forks off to execute an individual job.
  • #3097 - Fixed scrolling past select dropdown in modals.
  • #3104 - Fixed bug preventing filters from being removed from list views.


  • #3055 - Updated setuptools to 65.5.1 to address CVE-2022-40897. This is not a direct dependency so will not auto-update when upgrading. Please be sure to upgrade your local environment.
  • #3082 - Updated gitpython to ~3.1.30 to address CVE-2022-24439.
  • #3119 - Updated future to 0.18.3 due to CVE-2022-40899. This is not a direct dependency so will not auto-update when upgrading. Please be sure to upgrade your local environment.


Full Changelog: v1.5.7...v1.5.8

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