github nautobot/nautobot v1.1.3
v1.1.3 - 2021-09-15

latest releases: v2.2.5, v1.6.23, v1.6.22...
2 years ago


  • #11 - Added tests to verify that plugin models can support webhooks if appropriately decorated with extras_features("webhooks")
  • #652 - Jobs REST API run endpoint now can look up ObjectVar references via a dictionary of parameters.
  • #755 - Added example showing how to use django-request-logging middleware to log the user associated with inbound requests.
  • #791 - Added support for NAUTOBOT_DOCKER_SKIP_INIT variable to allow running the Docker container with a read-only database.
  • #841 - Added more detailed documentation around defining Relationship filters.
  • #850 - Added developer documentation around the installation and use of mkdocs to locally preview documentation changes.
  • #856 - Added more detailed user documentation on how to create an API token.


  • #601 - Developer documentation for advanced docker-compose use cases is now a separate file.
  • #709 - Computed fields can now have a blank fallback_value.
  • #812 - In the GraphiQL interface, the "Queries" dropdown now appears alongside the other GraphiQL interface buttons instead of appearing in the main Nautobot navigation bar.
  • #832 - Plugin installation documentation now recommends nautobot-server post_upgrade instead of separately running nautobot-server migrate and nautobot-server collectstatic.


  • #464 - Fixed GraphQL schema generation error when certain custom field names are used.
  • #651 - Fixed Jobs validation enforce schema consistently across UI and API.
  • #670 - Clarified Jobs documentation regarding how to fail or abort a Job.
  • #715 - Fixed display of GraphiQL interface in narrow browser windows.
  • #718 - Fixed rendering of long template values in Computed Field detail view.
  • #731 - Config context schemas including format properties (such as "format": "ipv4") are now correctly enforced.
  • #779 - Fixed incorrect Tenant display in Prefix "Duplicate Prefixes" table. (Port of two fixes originally from NetBox)
  • #809 - Fixed docker-compose file version values to work correctly with older versions of docker-compose.
  • #818 - Database health-check now reports as healthy even when in MAINTENANCE_MODE.
  • #825 - Removed unnecessary -B flag from development Celery worker invocation.
  • #830 - Fixed incorrect database migration introduced by #818.
  • #845 - Clarified documentation around nautobot-server init and NAUTOBOT_ROOT.
  • #848 - Fixed stale links to NAPALM documentation


  • #893 - Bump Pillow dependency version from 8.2.0 to 8.2.3 to address numerous critical CVE advisories

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