github nalgeon/redka v0.5.0

latest releases: v0.5.2, v0.5.1
one month ago

Redka aims to reimplement the good parts of Redis with SQLite, while remaining compatible with the Redis API. This release adds support for set commands.

All commands are available via the Redis wire protocol (RESP) and the Go API.



Redka supports the following set-related commands:

  • SADD - Adds one or more members to a set.
  • SCARD - Returns the number of members in a set.
  • SDIFF - Returns the difference of multiple sets.
  • SDIFFSTORE - Stores the difference of multiple sets.
  • SINTER - Returns the intersection of multiple sets.
  • SINTERSTORE - Stores the intersection of multiple sets.
  • SISMEMBER - Determines whether a member belongs to a set.
  • SMEMBERS - Returns all members of a set.
  • SMOVE - Moves a member from one set to another.
  • SPOP - Returns a random member after removing it.
  • SRANDMEMBER - Returns a random member from a set.
  • SREM - Removes one or more members from a set.
  • SSCAN - Iterates over members of a set.
  • SUNION - Returns the union of multiple sets.
  • SUNIONSTORE - Stores the union of multiple sets.

No breaking changes this time, yay!

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