0.20.0 (2020-01-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- Use providers DNS on Android WireGuard when available #1541
Fixed bugs:
- OpenVPN service failed to start #1566
- Failed NAT hole punching never stop the session #1565
- Flaky tests: Test_Provider_Registrar_FailsAfterRetries #1550
- Since 0.19 --openvpn.port= is no longer working #1542
- "Limit bandwidth to 5Mbps" option does not appear to work #1534
- Android proposals selection is broken #1512
- Install script broken on Raspberry #1497
- Analyse logs unreachable node xf784 #1279
- RPi hangs/crashes after a dozen hours every day. Logs attached. #1267
- Bump go-wondershaper to fix bandwidth limiting. #1578 (soffokl)
- Fix getting a single proposal #1557 (soffokl)
Closed issues:
- Balance status inconsistent #1558
- Sensible consumer price range #1570
- node/accountant race #1548
- Make 1 MYSTT = 1 USD --> Make all needed changes in transactor and node #1547
- Flaky tests: StartSyncsHealthyProposals #1529
- Pass in payment information from actual proposal #1520
- CLI call to force settlement on provider side #1519
- Test WG nat hole punching #1501
- Providers payouts using accountant data #1295
- Combine Online/Offline statuses into one single #1252
- Re-evaluate session creation dialog #720
Merged pull requests:
- Correctly apply stake for provider registration #1581 (vkuznecovas)
- Fix balance inconsistency #1580 (vkuznecovas)
- mystt = 1$ #1579 (vkuznecovas)
- Sensible limits payments #1577 (vkuznecovas)
- Wireguard port mapping fixes #1575 (anjmao)
- Contributors updated #1574 (zolia)
- Parse payment info from the proposal #1569 (vkuznecovas)
- Test install script #1563 (tadaskay)
- Use mysteriumnetwork xgo docker images [ci full] #1562 (anjmao)
- Make package install distro independent #1560 (zolia)
- Add compatibility e2e tests #1556 (anjmao)
- added missing balance event #1555 (vkuznecovas)
- Skip heavy packaging jobs on PRs unless requested with [ci full] #1554 (tadaskay)
- Fixes #1529 #1552 (vkuznecovas)
- Remove the flakiness #1551 (vkuznecovas)
- solve race between node and accountant with a retry #1549 (vkuznecovas)
- Use raspberrypi-kernel-headers instead of linux-headers on raspbian #1544 (tadaskay)
- Delete leftover empty file #1543 (soffokl)
- Cleanup e2e infrastructre #1537 (anjmao)
- Add bug report template [skip ci] #1536 (tadaskay)
- Improve docker run instructions [skip ci] #1535 (tadaskay)
- Don't sync proposals for providers #1531 (Waldz)
- put more trust to accountant when calculating balance #1530 (vkuznecovas)
- Cli settle #1526 (vkuznecovas)
- WireGuard NAT hole punching #1522 (anjmao)
- Possibility to subscribe for proposal changes #1518 (Waldz)
- More accurate descriptions [skip ci] #1456 (chompomonim)