This release includes cross-implementation compatibility fixes to the data format produced by symmetric_string_cryptor in a0b5383 and begins using a new local database file extension to support versioning and future upgrade to the shared C++ implementation of document_persister & PersistableObject.
This version does not migrate or read old data, so as with RC 6, please ensure you've written down any information you want to keep.
SHA256(MyMonero Setup 1.0.0.exe)= c423ea1501f81ecfcb81559f2dd8a4460348c893c07bbee1aaac75b56548af1f
SHA256( 91938a9840d60212dc0b7f6119543312d8554e3530bcddb7577ab7d7dac42294
SHA256(MyMonero-1.0.0.dmg)= beb05d0954949bf8895dbe50dfaf428b05ac1b0863e262fd979b76073795304f
SHA256(MyMonero-1.0.0-x86_64.AppImage)= d62992e8fa071dd799c0080a8a52be9f58b848a9be4f8960b6bde91b7d8f7c63