github mymonero/mymonero-app-js v1.0.0-rc6
1.0.0 RC 6

latest releases: v1.3.3, v1.3.4, v1.3.2...
pre-release6 years ago

NOTE Before upgrading to this release, please manually save all Contacts, Requests, and Wallets which you want to keep. This pre-release build brings improvements to saving which are not compatible with user data files from previous versions so while your old data won't be deleted, you must migrate it manually.

Please report any incorrect or unexpected behavior, especially around saving and loading data.

SHA256(MyMonero-1.0.0.dmg)= 9164eaee5dc029c234958142f2735f1d1312857bba6c2e034d4d5001e4561468

SHA256(MyMonero Setup 1.0.0.exe)= 8e0a29bd7546179b9c2e92e4220f43346153674932c50223c7afbf57fabcd539

SHA256( 3363cfcf94887031901d28308a6d60374a2799316d7b0846dc91ace194b1815b

SHA256(MyMonero-1.0.0-x86_64.AppImage)= 20890b7dd8909fa486cbed71e9f6bcfdd5d4235e4a5666756b42f1f1968ce481

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