What's new:
(Desktop) upgraded to electron 2.0.2 (Please let us know of any changes in appearance or functionality)
Updated Max UI to show amount estimate
Default priority set to low
QR codes supporting plain addresses without "monero:" scheme prefix
Fixed regression so partial mnemonic word prefixes can be used again ("fox" instead of "foxes")
Performance improvements to prevent UI lag when starting app with wallet with hundreds of outputs
Improved OpenAlias address lookup by adding (desktop) platform-level DNS resolve and (browser) DNS-over-HTTPS for TXT record lookup
Various other minor fixes & improvements
SHA256(MyMonero-1.0.0-x86_64.AppImage)= 36c819844d187ad27144e633ae5abda4b05bad965e120fdd17489e54657e1957
SHA256(MyMonero-1.0.0.dmg)= 15c61408822c0f5dba38d90ad371f4d68ce409329a67b970cccff84a18b7d653
SHA256(browser_build.zip)= d3c81ca23edeb4f473fd6a5d9b55dc162b006648145c9447e03b9c99c44499cb
SHA256(MyMonero Setup 1.0.0.exe)= 3a7c6a469f785f0be7a15f255d219be069d28cacc6a424ef43d4d35f51d878e1