github mylar3/mylar3 v0.5.5
I can see the future ... You don't live to see tomorrow.

latest releases: v0.8.0, v0,8.0, v0.7.8...
2 years ago

IMP: auto-add normalised annual naming as an AlternateSearch when searching for a 2021 Annual
IMP: added detection of header values containing blocks for experimental results

FIX: fixed failed downloading handling with CDH & nzb providers
FIX: incorrect css on main storyarc page
FIX: added check for 2021 annual listings
FIX: (#821) post-processing of TPB that were recently released would get rejected even if valid
FIX: non-displaying checkmark/x-icon on series detail page for Comic Location
FIX: 2021 annuals would not be post-processed, searched or matched against during file rechecks
FIX: force annuals to use release name instead of trying to modify the name (annuals will correctly appear on Wanted table)
FIX: fixed upcoming table so it updates accordingly when new issue data is present (Upcoming data not being moved to Wanted table when available)
FIX: make sure to remove the from the titles properly so that it can match up to the right series on the weekly pull
FIX: CV errors when the db_updater was requesting a range that happened to contain an issue that was posted at a specific time (#815 for more details)
FIX: storyarc detail page throwing an error when arc image was in a banner-type format
FIX: warn of invalid nzbget host protocol selected prior to attempting to send nzb to nzbget
FIX: series.json creation option would not be honoured

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