github mylar3/mylar3 v0.5.4
You gotta be one of the good guys son. 'Cause there's way too many of the bad.

latest releases: v0.8.0, v0,8.0, v0.7.8...
2 years ago

IMP: added listProviders, addProvider, delProvider, changeProvider API endpoints
IMP: update of series.json metadata to allow for 1.0.1 versioning (backwards compatible)
IMP: added refreshSeriesjson and seriesjsonListing API endpoints
IMP: (#777) multiple categorires within torznab configuration
IMP: update pillow requirements to 8

FIX: weekly pull would not properly recreate the current week via the autoscheduler method
FIX: Present value in a series publication run was hard_coded to 55 days past publication instead of using ini based values
FIX: post-processing would not detect issues that had previously existed on the pull-list, but were in an Ended status
FIX: * character not being properly removed from CV title during comparisons (ReCheck Files)
FIX: depreciate $Annual as an available Folder Format option
FIX: annual directories would be incorrectly created when annual integration is enabled and a related annual is present on the weekly pull
FIX: ignore_covers ini option not being honoured when post-processing
FIX: post-processing for series that are 100% but marked as Wanted not being post-processed
FIX: torznab being enabled, but torrents being disabled - yet still being used to search
FIX: changed column heading on series detail page for annuals to just '#'
FIX: Issue Title on series detail changed to hover value if > 70 in length
FIX: annuals not properly linking to series on weekly pull
FIX: default theme had incorrect issue & annual table css for series detail
FIX: default theme index columns
FIX: carbon theme: fixed annuals table on series detail so css is identical to issues table
FIX: properly detect filenames containing a volume in the format of (YYYY-)
FIX: (#770) annual integration enabled, would not link up properly to the related story arc that contained said annual
FIX: experimental search not returning any results
FIX: post-processing would fail if names were mismatched btwn CV and the weekly pull, or if the issue was an annual
FIX: changed references to irc from freenode to libera
FIX: added icon to series detail page for Comic Location path being physically available or not
FIX: series detail page issue columns having overlap & improper lengths
FIX: account for 'Director's Cut' or '(DC)' as part of the issue within a filename
FIX: manually post-process issues that don't have any CV data yet, incorrectly assume matches in some cases based on name-matching

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