github music-assistant/server 2.3.4

one day ago

What’s Changed

  • #1796 - fix: Subsonic: Fix album art missing from playlist display (@khers)
  • #1808 - Fix: Rewrite YT stream resolver to use web formats. (@MarvinSchenkel)
  • #1797 - Fix: Add logging around Subsonic scrobble calls (@khers)
  • #1803 - fix: Solved a bug for applying genres in Soundcloud tracks (@robsonke)
  • #1805 - Fix: Correct maxsize of MetadataLookupQueue (@ijc)
  • #1798 - fix: Subsonic: Allow user to force player provider seek (@khers)
  • #1789 - Fix: Reauthenticate with SiriusXM when playing a station (@btoconnor)
  • #1779 - Fix: Improve accuracy of matching album in directory structure for local filesystem (@skrobul)
  • #1784 - Fix: Radio mode for Subsonic provider (@khers)

⬆️ Dependencies

12 changes

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