github musescore/MuseScore v4.5
MuseScore Studio 4.5 Release

14 hours ago

MuseScore Studio 4.5 is now available!

This update introduces major workflow improvements, a brand new percussion input panel, and significant new engraving features.


See Engraving improvements in MuseScore Studio 4.5. Highlights include:

  • Large time signatures
  • Laissez-vibrer (l.v.) ties
  • System locks (force measures to appear on a particular system, prevent reflow)
  • System markings: control which staves tempos and other markings appear on via the 'Layout' panel (formerly 'Instruments')
  • Automatic creation of partial ties and courtesy clefs, key, and time signatures at repeats and jumps
  • Options to extend slurs and lyric extension lines over repeats and jumps
  • Automatic masking around text and dynamics when they overlap barlines
  • More style options for multi-measure rests
  • All text items are now anchorable at any rhythmic position
  • Improved horizontal spacing and lyric spacing
  • Various fixes for local time signatures


  • All-new percussion panel with 8 columns of input pads (now fully accessible; replaces the old drumset panel)
  • Improved percussion note input: notes are now always entered at the cursor position, and can be input at any available stave position with the mouse 
  • Ability to customize the layout of the percussion panel 
  • Keyboard shortcuts and MIDI pitches are displayed on the percussion pads (keyboard shortcuts can also be assigned using any key)
  • New Percussion and General MIDI Percussion instruments (replaces the generic Percussion instrument and the Percussion Synthesizer) with full mapping for Muse Percussion (MuseSounds)
  • Minor changes to various percussion instruments


  • New 'input by duration' mode
  • General refinements to note input: improved discoverability, relocation of legacy modes, and a new option to set accidentals, augmentation dots, and articulations to apply to either the next or previous note entered   
  • New rapid entry system for dynamic markings, including in-score popup, dedicated keyboard shortcut, type-to-enter dynamic markings, and option to draw hairpins from dynamic markings
  • Click and drag a range selection to move it to a different staff, measure, or beat; hold Alt/Option while dragging to copy the material
  • Copying and pasting multiple individual elements together is now more reliable and preserves the relative positions of the elements (and other improvements to copying and pasting)
  • Improved selection behaviour
  • Option to input MIDI as written or sounding pitch for transposing instruments
  • The playback speed control is now also available by clicking the tempo indicator in the playback toolbar (without needing to undock the playback toolbar)
  • New 'History' panel available in the 'View' menu


  • Improved "let ring" playback for guitar with MuseSounds
  • Support for l.v. ties for MS Basic, VST (limited) and MuseSounds (Muse Keys, and Muse Guitars Vols. 1 and 2, with other libraries coming soon)
  • Muse Percussion sounds for Mixed Percussion and General MIDI Percussion instruments
  • Numerous fixes for tied notes


  • SVG: page size is now measured in millimetres instead of pixels
  • MEI: support for voice assignment of dynamics, staff line color, harp pedal diagrams & MuseScore element IDs
  • MusicXML: various fixes and improvements


  • Style files for various sizes of Modified Stave Notation (MSN) are included with the program (courtesy of RNIB)
  • Convenient shortcut to built-in styles available via Format > Load styles on Windows and macOS


  • New app icon and splash screen
  • Fixed various crashes and corruptions


  • Ubuntu users please note that this update requires at least v.22.04.

See our GitHub Project for more details.

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