github munkireport/munkireport-php v5.6.0
Munkireport 5.6.0

latest releases: v5.8.0, v5.7.1, v6.0.0-release-test01...
4 years ago

5.6.0 (June 10, 2020) 🙏

MDOYVR 2020 Release

This release brings the please command that replaces the following scripts:

  • ./build/addmigration is now ./please make:migration
  • ./build/ is now ./please make:module
  • php ./database/migrate.php is now ./please migrate
  • php ./database/faker.php is now ./please db:seed

For more information about the please command, run please help

Minimum version of PHP is now 7.2.5


  • munkireport/filevault_status (v1.4 => v1.5)
  • munkireport/location (v1.5 => v1.6)
  • munkireport/network_shares (v1.2 => v1.3)
  • munkireport/supported_os (v2.0 => v2.1)
  • munkireport/users (v1.3 => v1.4)
  • munkireport/warranty (v4.3 => v4.4)


  • phpoption/phpoption (1.7.3 => 1.7.4)
  • vlucas/phpdotenv (v4.1.6 => v4.1.7)
  • symfony/yaml (v3.4.40 => v3.4.41)
  • symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.17.0)
  • symfony/var-dumper (v5.0.8 => v5.1.0)
  • symfony/console (v4.4.8 => v4.4.9)
  • symfony/process (v4.4.8 => v4.4.9)
  • doctrine/inflector (1.4.2 => 1.4.3)
  • symfony/translation (v4.4.8 => v4.4.9)
  • nesbot/carbon (2.34.2 => 2.35.0)
  • symfony/finder (v4.4.8 => v4.4.9)
  • illuminate/events (v5.8.36)

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