github munki/munki v6.5.1
Munki 6.5.1 Official Release

one month ago

This is the official release of Munki 6.5.1: a bug-fix release of the Munki tools.


  • A fix for a bug that prevented the new application data in conditional expressions feature from actually working as intended. (fbe22d2)
    See Conditional Application Data for more info on this feature, introduced (but due to the bug, effectively non-functional) in Munki 6.5: (bf1ce5a)
    Thanks to Tyler Gunderson for the bug report.

A complete list of changes from the 6.5.0 release is here: v6.5.0...v6.5.1

Known issues

Downgrading from 6.5.x to 6.4.2 or earlier

If you install a version of the Munki tools that contains the Python 3.12 framework, and then later attempt to downgrade by installing an older version of the Munki tools (say, that contains a Python 3.10 (or earlier) framework, /usr/local/munki/munki-python will be broken. See for more information.

Additional Information

Build info

The GUI apps and the Python framework were built under Xcode 15.3 on macOS 14.5. Xcode 14.3.1 on macOS 13 should work as well. Other versions of Xcode have not been tested and may cause different results. (Due to Apple bugs, Xcode 15.0.1 or Xcode 15 on macOS Sonoma will result in GUI apps that won't run on macOS < 10.15).

OS version support

This release should work on macOS 10.13 through macOS 14, though it gets little-to-no testing on versions prior to macOS 12. Please report issues you find with older macOS versions.

Package versioning

  • Distribution package version:
  • munki core tools version:
  • LaunchAgents/LaunchDaemons version: 3.0.3265
  • Apps package version:
  • Python package version:

Attachment info

The munkitools- attachment available here is an unsigned and unnotarized package that should install without requiring a restart unless upgrading from an extremely old Munki tools (like one of the 3.x releases or earlier). It should be suitable for most initial deployment scenarios, including those driven by DEP/ADE (if you first sign the package). It does not include a component to trigger "bootstrapping" or any other automatic run of the tools after installation.

Signed/notarized builds

Thanks to the efforts of @erikng and @natewalck, signed and notarized builds of Munki tools packages are available at There may be a delay for new releases -- please be patient.

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