github munki/munki v3.5.0
Munki 3.5 Official Release

latest releases: v6.5.1, v6.5.0, v6.5.0b3...
5 years ago

This is the official release of Munki 3.5, a feature and bug-fix release of the Munki tools.

This is the exact same build as 3.5 Release Candidate 2.

New feature in 3.5:

  • Precaching support.
    • This feature allows the admin to mark certain items in the optional_installs to be precached.
    • To mark an item as eligible for precaching, add a key named "precache" with the value of true to the appropriate pkginfo.
    • Precaching works only for items listed in optional_installs.

Bug (and other) fixes in 3.5:

  • A previous attempt to increase security when copying items from a disk image had the side effect of not properly copying extended attributes in some cases. A new implementation fixes the issue with extended attributes; it may or may not affect the relative security of copies from disk images. e8ee653
  • Fixes for Managed Software Center alerts when it could not trigger the start of managedsoftwareupdate; also add more error info to the alerts to help local admins more easily understand the underlying issue:
    67bfb48 451de28
  • Changes to enable building under Xcode 10: a6a070d
  • Other small fixes and tweaks. For a complete list, see v3.4.1...v3.5.0

Known issue:

  • In macOS Mojave, with new accounts (as opposed to ones created under an earlier OS before the Mac was upgraded to Mojave), Notification Center notifications will be displayed in "Banner style" by default.

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