github mullvad/mullvadvpn-app android/2024.9

latest releases: sleep-before-pq-patch-windows, android/2024.10-beta2, test-macos-revert-scdynstore-ip...
12 days ago

Here is a list of all changes since last stable release android/2024.8:


  • Add a new access method: Encrypted DNS Proxy. Encrypted DNS proxy is a way to reach the API via proxies. The access method is enabled by default.


  • Improve animations so that they look better with predictive back.
  • Improve detection and logging of a potential rare in-app purchase limbo state.


  • Fix a bug where the Android account expiry notifications would not be updated if the app was running in the background for a long time.
  • Fix ANR due to the tokio runtime being blocked by getaddrinfo when dropped.


  • Remove alternative stack for fault signal handlers on unix based systems. It was implemented incorrectly and could cause stack overflow and heap memory corruption. Fixes audit issue MLLVD-CR-24-01.
  • Remove/disable unsafe signal code from fault signal handler on unix based systems. Fixes audit issue MLLVD-CR-24-02.

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