github mullvad/mullvadvpn-app android/2020.8-beta1

latest releases: ios/2025.4-build1, android/test-disable-in-tunnel-ip-v6-3, test-win-prefix-fix...
pre-release4 years ago

This release is for Android only.


  • Improve accessibility in the desktop app. UI elements now have the correct role
    and are labeled to allow usage of a screen reader.
  • Add --wait flag to connect, disconnect and reconnect CLI subcommands to make the CLI wait
    for the target state to be reached before exiting.
  • Navigate back to the main view when escape is pressed.
  • Add support for custom DNS resolvers on Windows, macOS and Linux. For now only resolvers in the
    local network will work properly.


  • Add setting that unpins the window from the tray icon to let the user move it around freely.


  • Never use DNS to get the IP to contact the Mullvad API over. Instead a list of IPs is bundled
    with the app, and updates are fetched from the API itself. This list is then shuffled and used
    to pick a way to reach the API. This avoids censored/fake DNS responses and increases the
    likelihood to be able to talk to the API.
  • Remove WireGuard keys during uninstallation after the firewall is unlocked.
  • Rename CLI subcommand mullvad relay set relay to mullvad relay set hostname.
  • Upgrade OpenVPN from 2.4.9 to 2.5.0.
  • Upgrade Electron from 8.5.2 to Electron 11.0.2.
  • Upgrade wireguard-go to v0.0.20201118.
  • Reduce logging about time outs when conneting to a WireGuard tunnel.


  • Remove the Quit button.
  • Add button to remove account and WireGuard key from history in the login screen.
  • Improve navigation in the app using a keyboard, so that touchless devices (like TVs) can be used
    more smoothly.
  • Run app in landscape mode on TVs.
  • Try to connect even if VPN permission is denied, so that the app shows an error message saying
    that the VPN permission was denied.


  • Fully uninstall the old app when performing a downgrade. This solves the problem of downgrades
    not being able to migrate from something newer. For example it fully removes any blocking
    firewall rules a newer app might have put in place.
  • Use Wintun instead of the OpenVPN TAP driver for OpenVPN.


  • Increase NetworkManager device readiness timeout to 15 seconds.
  • Set up routes for OpenVPN using our route manager instead of relying on OpenVPN to do it.
  • Use rule-based routing and static routes. Avoids monitoring and duplicating the main routing
    table into a separate table.


  • Fix missing map animation after selecting a new location in the desktop app.
  • Fix crash on older kernels which report a default route through the loopback interface.


  • Fix connect action button sometimes showing itself as "Cancel" instead of "Secure my connection"
    for a few seconds.
  • Fix the notification sometimes leaving the foreground and becoming dismissable even if the UI was
    still visible.
  • Fix crash if connection to service is lost while opening the Split Tunneling settings screen.
  • Fix rare crash that could occur when the tunnel state changes when showing or hiding the quick
    settings tile.
  • Fix app starting by itself sometimes.
  • Fix apps not being excluded from the tunnel sometimes if auto-connect was enabled.
  • Fix crash that happened sometimes when closing the app or when requesting from the notification
    or the quick-settings tile for the app to connect or disconnect.
  • Fix app showing that it was blocking connections when it wasn't when VPN permission was denied.
  • Fix internet not working for a minute or two after changing Allow LAN setting.
  • Fix login appearing to be cancelled after leaving the login screen while logging in.
  • Fix login input area missing some times when opening the login screen.


  • Fix log output encoding for Windows modules.
  • Fix app not appearing on top in some situations when pressing the tray icon.
  • Fix memory leak in Windows firewall code.


  • Stop reconnecting when using WireGuard and NetworkManager.
  • Reset DNS config correctly when the tunnel monitor unexpectedly goes down.
  • Set search domains in NetworkManager's DNS configuration, resolving issues where NetworkManager
    is used to manage DNS via systemd-resolved.
  • Fix incorrect version string in .deb installer causing downgrade warnings when upgrading from beta
    to stable.
  • Fix memory leak in firewall code via updating nftnl dependency.
  • Handle IPv6 traffic correctly using mullvad-exclude when there is no default route to any
    non-tunnel interface.
  • Fix issues managing DNS when dnsmasq is used with NetworkManager.
  • Fix issues with managing kernel WireGuard device via NetworkManager.
  • Disable NetworkManager's connectivity check before applying firewall rules to avoid triggering
    NetworkManager's bug


  • Restore the last target state if the daemon crashes. Previously, if auto-connect and
    "Always require VPN" were disabled, the service would reset the firewall upon starting back up,
    even if the tunnel was up when the crash occurred.
  • Add firewall rules for mullvad-exclude, i.e. split tunneling, that disallow all traffic in the
    tunnel other than non-custom DNS traffic. This prevents leaks into the tunnel.
  • Force OpenVPN to use TLS 1.3 or newer.


  • Block all traffic received or sent before the BFE service and daemon service have started during
    boot, if "Always require VPN" or auto-connect is enabled.

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