github mullvad/mullvadvpn-app 2022.1-beta1

latest releases: ios-ian-test-build, android/test-go-crash, android/no-cert-check-2024.9...
pre-release3 years ago


  • Add information about the always on kill switch in the desktop app.
  • Add WireGuard multihop setting and entry location selection to desktop app.
  • Add malware blocking to the desktop app. Implemented via DNS on the relays.
  • Add changes dialog which will include the most notable changes in each new version.


  • Keep unspecified constraints unchanged in the CLI when providing specific tunnel constraints
    instead of setting them to default values.
  • Obscure account number in account view and add button for copying instead of copying when text is
  • Disable logging of translation errors in production. This will among other things prevent error
    messages from translating the country in the disconnected state.
  • Update Electron from 15.0.0 to 16.0.4.
  • Gradually increase the WireGuard connectivity check timeout, lowering the timeout for the first
    few attempts.
  • Stop preferring OpenVPN when bridge mode is enabled.
  • CLI command for setting a specific server by hostname is no longer case sensitive.
    Example: mullvad relay set hostname SE9-WIREGUARD should now work.
  • Update the default Shadowsocks password to mullvad and cipher to aes-256-gcm in the CLI
    when using it to configure a custom Shadowsocks bridge. The Mullvad bridges recently changed
    these parameters on port 443 (which is the default port).


  • Update wireguard-nt to 0.10.1.
  • Make wireguard-nt the default driver for WireGuard. This is used instead of wireguard-go and
  • Increase firewall transaction timeout from 2 to 5 seconds to lower the chance of errors when
    setting the firewall policy.
  • Update split tunnel driver to Notably, this driver release allows firewall filters
    added by other software to block excluded apps.



  • Drop support for pre-Windows 10 systems.


  • Always kill sslocal if the tunnel monitor fails to start when using bridges.
  • Show relay location constraint correctly in the CLI when it is set to any.
  • Prevent gRPC from trying to run the app-daemon IPC communication through a HTTP proxy when the
    environment variable http_proxy is set. This caused the app to fail to connect to the daemon.
  • Disable built-in DNS resolver in Electron. Prevents Electron from establishing connections to
    DNS servers set in system network preferences.
  • Fix tray context menu showing or executing wrong actions, using wrong language or in other
    ways not update properly.


  • Resolve issues with the app blocking internet connectivity after sleep or when connecting to new
    wireless networks.
  • Fix issue where the app would get stuck in offline state after a reboot or a reinstall by using
    route monitor instead of relying on SCNetworkReachability API to infer whether the host is


  • Fix app size after changing display scale.
  • Fix daemon not starting if all excluded app paths reside on non-existent/unmounted volumes.
  • Remove tray icon of current running app version when upgrading.
  • Allow Mullvad wireguard-nt tunnels to work simultaneously with other wg-nt tunnels.
  • Fix notifications on Windows not showing if window is unpinned and hidden.
  • Wait for IP interfaces to arrive before trying to configure them when using wireguard-nt.
  • Fix panic that occurs in the split tunnel monitor when a path consisting only of a prefix,
    such as "C:", is excluded using the CLI.


  • Remove auto-launch file, GUI settings and other files created by the app in user directories, when


  • Restrict which applications are allowed to communicate with the API while in a blocking state.
    This prevents malicious scripts on websites from trying to do so. On Windows, only
    mullvad-problem-report.exe and mullvad-daemon.exe executables are allowed to reach the API,
    whereas on Linux and macOS only root processes are able to reach the API.

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