- Moved '--fromfile' option to '--includefrom'. '--fromfile' still works, but is considered deprecated
- Moved '--includefiles' option to '--includepattern'. '--includefiles' still works, but is considered deprecated
- Moved '--excludefiles' option to '--excludepattern'. '--excludefiles' still works, but is considered deprecated
- Added '--excludefrom' option similar to '--includefrom' only the opposite (Thank you to user 'TomFury' for suggesting this)
- Skyscraper will now ignore any subfolders within the input folder where a file called '.skyscraperignore' is found (Thank you to user 'sromeroi' for suggesting this)
- Added platform 'easyrpg', only usable using the 'screenscraper' scraping module (Thank you to user 'zerojay' for suggesting this)