Oct 12, 2023
A big thanks to the 4 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
Added new data providers feature. Improved UX around the pages explorer. Added new Markdown and Link components.
- Fix createDataProvider imports in the integration tests (#2780) @Janpot
- Remove container sx default (#2779) @Janpot
- Use a context to distribute project API (#2766) @Janpot
- Demonstrate how data providers can be used with prisma (#2774) @Janpot
- Unify preview and canvas entrypoints (#2760) @Janpot
- Use toggle buttons for text mode property (#2764) @Janpot
- Add Markdown and Link components (#2763) @Janpot
- fix lock file @Janpot
- Block next.js from updating (#2768) @Janpot
- New page creation UX (#2728) @apedroferreira
- Introduce Data providers (#2644) @Janpot
- Update monorepo (#2758) @apedroferreira
- Simplify the editor RPC implementation (#2756) @Janpot
- Allow integrating toolpad applications in a custom server (#2747) @Janpot
- Move the perf cascade css file to the HarViewer component (#2755) @Janpot
- [core] Smoothen edges on the new Editable Tree component (#2778) @bharatkashyap
- [core] Revert Next to v13.4.19 @oliviertassinari
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @apedroferreira, @bharatkashyap, @Janpot, @oliviertassinari