Oct 4, 2023
A big thanks to the 5 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
Add component search box, fix editor failing to open, allow custom base path for Toolpad applications, improve automatic formatting of binding expressions.
- Fix Data grid invalid date handling (#2748) @Janpot
- Fix editor failing to open (#2745) @Janpot
- add a search box on the top (#2692) @JerryWu1234
- Add global sidebar (#2730) @apedroferreira
- format IDE code (#2674) @JerryWu1234
- Move server files to the src folder (#2746) @Janpot
- Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md @mbrookes
- Support --base option to set a custom base path (#2740) @Janpot
- Remove Chart as future component (#2738) @Janpot
- Isolate the Toolpad router from Toolpad server (#2735) @Janpot
- Correct types of component labels (#2736) @Janpot
- Run required PR label action on synchronize event (#2734) @Janpot
- Refactor cli interface (#2729) @Janpot
- [docs] Fix docs title regression (#2739) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Header captialization with sidenav consistency @oliviertassinari
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @apedroferreira, @Janpot, @JerryWu1234, @mbrookes, @oliviertassinari