Feb 22, 2023
A big thanks to the 4 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
Add a List component, polish Markdown component, easier access to Page module settings, feedback for mutation queries, and a new option to edit Text component directly in canvas!
- Fix binding editor confirm on unsaved changes (#1695) @apedroferreira
- Adjust margins for Markdown component (#1690) @Janpot
- Remove deprecated waitForNavigation playwright API (#1699) @Janpot
- Make text component editable in the canvas (#1694) @Janpot
- Hide resizable height prop controls (#1641) @apedroferreira
- Move selected node state to page view only (#1679) @apedroferreira
- Fix DataGrid number formats for non-numerical values (#1626) @Janpot
- Add feedback for mutating queries (#1691) @Janpot
- Show confirmation dialog when there are unsaved changes (#1618) @apedroferreira
- Fix resizing after drag & drop UI changes (#1639) @apedroferreira
- Polish Markdown component (#1477) @bharatkashyap
- Confirm unsaved code component changes (#1628) @apedroferreira
- Add in page settings option to sidebar to allow for easier access to page module settings (#1672) @scouttyg
- Add List component (#1527) @apedroferreira
- Fix: Column changes dropped on prop update (#1583) @bharatkashyap
- Fix: Disable "Remove" on draft nodes (#1681) @bharatkashyap
- Align headers and typography in the theme (#1627) @Janpot
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @apedroferreira, @bharatkashyap, @Janpot, @scouttyg