Jan 25, 2023
A big thanks to the 3 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
Added a new FilePicker component, some changes to page navigation and improvements to JavaScript runtime code.
- Fix navigation through DOM views with pages (#1565) @apedroferreira
- Add FilePicker component (#1537) @bytasv
- Split browser and server js runtimes (#1584) @Janpot
- Fix webpack missing exports warnings (#1582) @Janpot
- Make applyTransform runtime agnostic (#1585) @Janpot
- Recreate yarn.lock (#1577) @Janpot
- Upgrade monorepo dependency (#1580) @Janpot
- Remove onChangeHandler from Select and TextField (#1576) @Janpot
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @apedroferreira, @bytasv, @Janpot