Nov 23, 2022
A big thanks to the 4 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
Client-side functions, migration fixes, add sidebar to overview page, support visual captcha as fallback, add "alpha" label to app and landing page, automatic app names in demo.
- Fix landing page hydration issue (#1375) @bharatkashyap
- Update demo bar copy (#1371) @apedroferreira
- Fix overflow for explorer (#1372) @Janpot
- Add "alpha" label to app and landing page hero (#1356) @bharatkashyap
- Add missing sucrase helper (#1360) @Janpot
- Remove demo docker (#1369) @apedroferreira
- Remove demo configuration from render.yaml (#1368) @apedroferreira
- Move typescript to devDependencies (#1366) @Janpot
- Remove sentry debug option (#1361) @Janpot
- Fix yarn.lock @Janpot
- Upgrade eslint (#1287) @Janpot
- Fallback to visible captcha if invisible captcha fails (#1272) @apedroferreira
- Refactor overview page (#1357) @Janpot
- Fix migration to v3 (#1359) @Janpot
- Run functions client side (#1325) @Janpot
- Show IP address in log messages (#1350) @apedroferreira
- Fix prettier script in CI (#1355) @Janpot
- Automatic app names in demo (#1351) @apedroferreira
- [core] Group renovate GitHub Action dependency updates (#1341) @oliviertassinari
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @apedroferreira, @bharatkashyap, @Janpot, @oliviertassinari