Jul 29, 2022
A big thanks to the 4 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
Split pane layout for queries, resize components in the visual editor, improve post-request transformation UX.
- Satisfy dependabot (#706) @Janpot
- Add autocomplete to post-request transform editor (#546) @bharatkashyap
- Support async code in event handlers (#697) @Janpot
- Fix interferring monaco editor instances (#702) @Janpot
- Add bindable enabled property to queries (#696) @Janpot
- Fix column sizing when there's not enough space (#699) @apedroferreira
- Editor - Resizing elements inside page rows (#645) @apedroferreira
- Add default control to BindableEditor (#695) @Janpot
- Fixes to query editor layout (#693) @Janpot
- Make function runtime fetch implementation more spec-compliant (#668) @Janpot
- Fix overflow widgets for monaco (#682) @Janpot
- Increase yarn network timeout (#688) @Janpot
- Standardize on React invariant library (#683) @Janpot
- Tweak update button position and visibility in component editor (#673) @bytasv
- Add split panes to connections dialog (#676) @bytasv
- Remove obsolete DataGrid license code (#679) @Janpot
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @apedroferreira, @bharatkashyap, @bytasv, @Janpot