github mui/mui-x v8.0.0-alpha.14

latest release: v7.27.3
pre-release2 days ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🚀📊 New Pro Chart: It is now possible to create Funnel charts—perfect for visualizing conversions, sales pipelines and more!
    Screenshot 2025-01-31 at 12 22 31
  • 🎁 The first iteration of the radar chart is available. Features and refinements will be added in the coming weeks.
  • 🛠️ New and improved Toolbar component for the data grid
  • 🐞 Bugfixes

Special thanks go out to the community member for their valuable contributions:

Following are all team members who have contributed to this release:
@alexfauquette, @arminmeh, @bernardobelchior, @cherniavskii, @flaviendelangle, @JCQuintas, @KenanYusuf, @LukasTy, @michelengelen, @noraleonte, @oliviertassinari.

Data Grid

Breaking changes

  • The density selector has been removed from the toolbar. It is still possible to set the density programmatically via the density prop. A density selector can be added to a custom toolbar passed to slots.toolbar. See Toolbar component—Settings menu for an example.
  • The quick filter is now shown in the toolbar by default. Use slotProps={{ toolbar: { showQuickFilter: false } }} to hide it.
  • The <GridSaveAltIcon /> icon is not exported anymore. Import SaveAlt from @mui/icons-material instead.


@mui/x-data-grid-pro@8.0.0-alpha.14 pro

Same changes as in @mui/x-data-grid@8.0.0-alpha.14.

@mui/x-data-grid-premium@8.0.0-alpha.14 premium

Same changes as in @mui/x-data-grid-pro@8.0.0-alpha.14.

Date and Time Pickers

Breaking changes

  • All Date Time Picker variants now use Digital Clock for time editing.
  • Stop passing invalid date to onChange when the date is partially filled — Learn more.


@mui/x-date-pickers-pro@8.0.0-alpha.14 pro

Same changes as in @mui/x-date-pickers@8.0.0-alpha.14.



@mui/x-charts-pro@8.0.0-alpha.14 pro

Same changes as in @mui/x-charts@8.0.0-alpha.14, plus:

Tree View

Breaking changes

  • The selectItem method has been renamed setItemSelection:

    const { publicAPI } = useTreeItemUtils();
    const handleSelectItem() {
    -  publicAPI.selectItem({ event, itemId: props.itemId, shouldBeSelected: true })
    +  publicAPI.setItemSelection({ event, itemId: props.itemId, shouldBeSelected: true })
  • The setItemExpansion method now receives a single object instead of a list of parameters:

    const { publicAPI } = useTreeItemUtils();
    const handleExpandItem() {
    -  publicAPI.setItemExpansion(event, props.itemId, true)
    +  publicAPI.setItemExpansion({ event, itemId: props.itemId, shouldBeExpanded: true })


@mui/x-tree-view-pro@8.0.0-alpha.14 pro

Same changes as in @mui/x-tree-view@8.0.0-alpha.14.



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