github mui/mui-x v7.24.0

18 hours ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 8 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

Special thanks go out to the community contributors who have helped make this release possible:
@lauri865, @AxharKhan.
Following are all team members who have contributed to this release:
@KenanYusuf, @arminmeh, @cherniavskii, @michelengelen, @samuelsycamore, @LukasTy.

Data Grid


@mui/x-data-grid-pro@7.24.0 pro

Same changes as in @mui/x-data-grid@7.24.0, plus:

  • [DataGridPro] Add test for column pinning with disabled column virtualization (#16196) @cherniavskii
  • [DataGridPro] Fix width of right-pinned column group during resize (#16207) @cherniavskii

@mui/x-data-grid-premium@7.24.0 premium

Same changes as in @mui/x-data-grid-pro@7.24.0.

Date and Time Pickers


Internal changes.

@mui/x-date-pickers-pro@7.24.0 pro

Same changes as in @mui/x-date-pickers@7.24.0.



Internal changes.

@mui/x-charts-pro@7.24.0 pro

Same changes as in @mui/x-charts@7.24.0.

Tree View


Internal changes.

@mui/x-tree-view-pro@7.24.0 pro

Same changes as in @mui/x-tree-view@7.24.0.



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