github mui/mui-x v4.0.0-alpha.37

latest releases: v7.6.1, v7.6.0, v6.20.0...
2 years ago

Jul 12, 2021

Big thanks to the 7 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🔎 Add the "is empty" and "is not empty" filter operators to date and number columns (#2274) @flaviendelangle
  • ⚡️ Only support @material-ui/core 4.12.0 or higher (#2281) @DanailH
  • 🐞 Fix a regression to not require @material-ui/x-license when using the DataGrid (#2295) @oliviertassinari
  • 👁️ Add onViewportRowsChange prop for XGrid only (#2038) @DanailH
  • 📃 Translate booleans when exporting rows to CSV (#2296) @m4theushw
  • 🌎 Add Sudanese Arabic (arSD) locale (#2269) @YassinHussein

This is the last alpha release. We are moving to beta in the next release, next week.

@material-ui/data-grid@v4.0.0-alpha.37 / @material-ui/x-grid@v4.0.0-alpha.37

Breaking changes

  • [DataGrid] Drop support for @material-ui/core below v4.12.0 (#2281) @DanailH

  • [XGrid] Replace event constants with the GridEvents enum (#2279) @flaviendelangle

    -import { GRID_CELL_EDIT_START } from '@material-ui/x-grid';
    -apiRef.current.subscribeEvent(GRID_CELL_EDIT_START, (params, event) => { ... });
    +import { GridEvents } from '@material-ui/x-grid';
    +apiRef.current.subscribeEvent(GridEvents.cellEditStart, (params, event) => { ... });




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