github mui/mui-x v4.0.0-alpha.24

latest releases: v7.9.0, v6.20.1, v7.8.0...
3 years ago

Apr 2, 2021

Big thanks to the 8 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

@material-ui/x-grid@v4.0.0-alpha.24 / @material-ui/data-grid@v4.0.0-alpha.24

Breaking Changes

  • [DataGrid] All slot components no longer get access to GridBaseComponentProps through the props. To use the GridBaseComponentProps call the useGridSlotComponentProps hook. (#1252) @DanailH
  • [DataGrid] Type GridSlotsComponent changed (#1252) @DanailH
  • [DataGrid] Rename GridBaseComponentProps type to GridSlotComponentProps (#1252) @DanailH
  • [DataGrid] Rename useGridBaseComponentProps hook to useGridSlotComponentProps (#1252) @DanailH
  • [DataGrid] Rename modules (#1292) @DanailH
  • [DataGrid] Rename all events related to column reordering, e.g. GRID_COL_REORDER_START -> GRID_COLUMN_REORDER_START (#1299) @m4theushw
  • [DataGrid] Methods onColItemDragStart, onColHeaderDragOver, onColItemDragOver, onColItemDragEnter removed from the grid API. Prefer listening to column reordering events (#1299) @m4theushw
  • [DataGrid] Calling apiRef.current.getColumnHeaderParams returns a GridColumnHeaderParams instead of GridColParams (#1299) @m4theushw
  • [DataGrid] Events that follow the pattern GRID_COLUMN_HEADER_xxx will be called with a GridColumnHeaderParams instead of GridColParams (#1299) @m4theushw
  • [DataGrid] The renderHeader will be called with a GridColumnHeaderParams instead of GridColParams (#1299) @m4theushw
  • [DataGrid] The apiRef.current.moveColumn was renamed to apiRef.current.setColumnIndex (#1299) @m4theushw



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