github mtkennerly/ludusavi v0.18.0
v0.18.0 (2023-05-20)

latest releases: v0.23.0+flatpak, v0.23.0, v0.22.0...
12 months ago
  • Added:
    • You can now upload backups to the cloud. This integrates with Rclone, so you can use any cloud system that it supports, and Ludusavi can help you configure some of the more common ones: Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, Box, FTP servers, SMB servers, and WebDAV servers.

      For the GUI, refer to the "cloud" section on the "other" screen. For the CLI, use the cloud command group (e.g., ludusavi cloud upload).

    • The Lutris launcher is now supported as a root type. Ludusavi can find saves from Wine prefixes configured in Lutris.

    • The EA app is now supported as a root type.

    • On the restore screen, you can lock a backup so that it is kept indefinitely regardless of your retention settings.

    • Progress bars now show additional information (operation label, elapsed time, exact progress count).

    • Backups now record the operating system on which they were created. For the GUI, this is shown as a badge on the restore screen if you select a non-native backup. For the CLI, this is included in the output of the backups command.

    • Ludusavi now supports Flatpak IDs (if present in the manifest) in order to infer the correct XDG_DATA_HOME and XDG_CONFIG_HOME. At this time, the primary manifest does not specify Flatpak IDs for any games, but any such additions can be supported transparently in the future.

    • GUI: You can use (shift+)tab to cycle through text fields.

    • GUI: Input fields show an error icon for paths like http:// and ssh:// since these are not supported and will be mangled into a local path.

    • CLI: A standalone manifest update command.

  • Changed:
    • The "merge" option has been removed, and merging is now always enforced. This option made sense before Ludusavi supported differential and cloud backups, but there was not much reason to turn off merging anymore.

      The CLI backup command's --merge/--no-merge flags are now ignored and will be removed in a future release.

    • CLI: The backup command's --update/--try-update flags are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It was confusing because Ludusavi could still update the manifest without either flag, and other commands would also update the manifest but without equivalent flags to adjust the behavior.

      To simplify this and for consistency with the GUI, now the CLI will update the manifest automatically by default. To disable this, use the new --no-manifest-update global flag, which works across commands. To ignore errors in the update, use the new --try-manifest-update global flag.

    • CLI: The deprecated --by-steam-id option has been removed from the backup, backups, and restore commands. You can use the find command to replicate this functionality.

    • CLI: Using --api mode would silence some human-readable errors that would otherwise go on stderr. Since the API output itself goes on stdout, there's no harm leaving the other messages on stderr, so they are now allowed to print. In the future, these messages may be integrated into the API output directly.

    • GUI: If you try to close the program while an operation is ongoing, Ludusavi will cancel the operation cleanly first before closing. To skip the cleanup and force an immediate close (like in previous versions), you can simply try to quit a second time, but this isn't recommended if you can help it.

    • GUI: Subsections now have a slightly distinct background color to help tell them apart.

    • GUI: Adjusted some spacing/padding. A few more scanned games can fit on screen now.

    • Log files now include timestamps.

    • Some obsolete fields were removed from the config file. This won't have any effect on you unless you were using a version older than v0.14.0. If so, then just update to v0.17.1 first so that Ludusavi can migrate the affected settings. Fields: manifest.etag, backup.recentGames, restore.recentGames, and restore.redirects.

    • Some config fields weren't serialized if they matched the default value. Now they're serialized anyway in case the default value were to ever change. Fields: backup.filter.excludeStoreScreenshots, scan.showDeselectedGames, scan.showUnchangedGames, and scan.showUnscannedGames.

    • Updated translations. (Thanks to contributors on the Crowdin project)

  • Fixed:
    • Significantly improved performance of zip file extraction. Ludusavi had been unnecessarily reopening the zip for each file inside. In the most extreme case tested (40,864 files and 8.70 GB for a single game), the time was reduced from 12+ hours to 4 minutes.
    • In secondary manifests, relative paths (beginning with ./ and ../) were not correctly resolved.
    • GUI: In some cases, the scroll position would be set incorrectly when changing screens or when closing a modal.
    • CLI: A bare manifest command was allowed, even though it did nothing. You can still use manifest --help for subcommand info.
    • The log message "ignoring unrecognized Heroic game" could be recorded incorrectly when doing partial scans.

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