github mtkennerly/ludusavi v0.15.0
v0.15.0 (2022-11-07)

latest releases: v0.24.1, v0.24.0+flatpak, v0.24.0...
19 months ago
  • Added:
    • Steam shortcuts for non-Steam games are now detected. On all platforms, the shortcut's "start in" folder is used as the <base> path. On Linux, the shortcut's app ID is used to check steamapps/compatdata for Proton saves.
    • In Heroic roots, Ludusavi can now recognize games by their GOG ID. This helps resolve cases where Heroic and Ludusavi use different titles for the same game. The CLI find command now also has a --gog-id option.
    • GUI: On the Steam Deck, an "exit" button has been added to the other screen, to make it easier to exit the program while using game mode. Ludusavi checks if /home/deck exists in order to determine whether it is running on the Steam Deck.
    • CLI: --config option to set a custom config directory. (Contributed by sluedecke)
    • Updated translations. (Thanks to contributors on the Crowdin project)
  • Changed:
    • Manifest updates now use gzip compression, cutting the download size to about 10% (e.g., 11.4 MiB -> 1.5 MiB).
  • Fixed:
    • GUI: Notifications did not disappear when the window was inactive.

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