github mriscoc/Ender3V2S1 20220716
Ender3 V2/S1 Professional Firmware 20220716

latest releases: 20240122, 20231202, 20230904...
2 years ago

Universal 20220716 MID-YEAR release

This is not the latest version, to get the latest version go here:

What's new in this release

  • New custom G-code C810 for setting up the toolbar shortcuts
  • Enhanced C104
  • Editable multiple probing
  • Increase step limit to 1999.9
  • Screen backlight turns on by rotating the knob encoder
  • Automatic recalculation of Mesh insets
  • Make PID Plot optional to save flash memory (needs recompile)
  • Editable Juntion Deviation (needs recompile with HAS_JUNCTION_DEVIATION)
  • Editable Linear advance K parameter (needs recompile with LIN_ADVANCE)
  • Host shutdown menu item (needs recompile with HOST_SHUTDOWN_MENU_ITEM enabled)
  • Some bugs fixed
  • Merged Bugfix 2.1.x branch

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