github mozilla/pdf.js v1.1.215

latest releases: v4.3.136, v4.2.67, v4.1.392...
9 years ago

#5815 Ensure that entries in the Differences array of Type1 fonts are either numbers or names
#5991 Update with shorter clone command and improved instruction order
#6002 Version 1.1.114
#5867 Change |pages| to be a "private" property of |PDFViewer|
#6004 Bug 1163404 - Disables rAF for the printing.
#5898 Extract more accurate glyph heights from type3 fonts
#5910 Fix error reading concatenated pdfs
#5999 Bug 1122280 - Handle UTF-8 encoding in URI
#5989 Add the |location| to the |updateviewarea| UI event
#6015 Add a reduced test-case for issue 5896
#5857 Set page size via @page + size
#5995 Apply char spacing only when there are chars.
#6014 Fix scroll to zoom jump between 25% and 1000%
#5901 Fall back to the |defaultEncoding| when no valid "post" table is found in TrueType fonts (bug 1050040)
#6023 Remove unused require() directive
#6020 Tweak the :focus/:hover CSS rules of the .toolbarField class used in Overlay dialogs
#6024 [Firefox] Parse all JPEG images in the addon
#6016 Convert UTF8 encoded passwords to ISO-8859-1 for |R = 6| encryption (issue 6010)
#6030 Fixed the ShellJS version
#6026 Eliminate transition effects from thumbnail loader
#6025 viewer: Support Retina/HiDPI thumbnails
#6021 Refactor the test driver
#6054 [Firefox] Fix newChannel/asyncFetch fallout from bug 1167053
#6051 [Firefox] Re-add _getTabForBrowser compatibility hack for the addon
#6046 Extract correct PDF format version from the catalog
#5971 Extracts PDFLinkService and PDFHistory APIs
#6063 Tweak the PDFLinkService a bit
#6065 Always traverse the entire parent chain in Page_getInheritedPageProp (issue 5954)
#6062 Revert PR 6024 "[Firefox] Parse all JPEG images in the addon", since it's fixed upstream
#6080 Ensure that PDFHistory does not incorrectly replace the initial document hash (issue 6079)
#6082 Fetch parameters if they are |Ref|s in Pattern color spaces (issue 6081)
#5823 [Chrome extension] Add Referer request header if needed
#5990 Skip mapping of CIDFontType2 glyphs in fonts with a |IdentityToUnicodeMap|, unless |properties.widths| is defined for the glyph
#6088 Check availability of canvas & PDF before printing
#6089 Update README (Chrome & Opera section)
#5998 Don't map glyphs to certain problematic Thai/Lao Unicode locations (issue 5994)
#6076 Apply padding on , not the button #6101 Add a test-case for issue 6099 - CalRGB color space where the parameters are a |Ref| #6093 Slightly improved Crypto unit tests #6091 Increase the font weight used for non-embedded ArialBlack fonts #6090 Map missing glyphs to the notdef glyph for TrueType (3, 1) fonts (issue 6068) #6112 Use the Alternate entry, if it exists, in ICCBased Colour Space dictionaries (issue 5836, issue 5939, issue 6055) #6114 Ensure that the result of |constructStichedFromIRResult| is a number (issue 6113) #6122 Fix a typo causing a TypeError when attempting to call pdfHistory_clearHistoryState (issue 6121) #6125 Remove issue6113.pdf from the test-suite for failing intermittently in Firefox on the Linux bot #6120 Clear the |getSinglePixelWidth| cache when rendering Type3 fonts (issue 6117)

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