github morepurplemorebetter/MPMBs-Character-Record-Sheet v13.0.6-beta2
v13.0.6-beta2 (2021-05-29)

latest releases: v13.2.3, v13.2.1, v13.2.0...
10 months ago

The document-level code for v13.0.6 beta version of MPMB's Character Record Sheet, originally released on 29 May 2021.

Note that this repository only includes the SRD content and that these files alone are not enough to create the PDF character sheet.

Code changes



  • Changed how semantic versioning is used to indicate the different versions free/Patreon.
  • Changed how minimum version requirements of import script are handled if the import script also produces an error.
  • Changed the fields for armour AC, shield AC, and companion AC to accept modifier strings (e.g. Str and Prof).
  • Changed all spells with the range Self (area) to have that included in their range description as "S:" (previously only showed the area, which was confusing for things that can’t be used with “range: Self” spells).
  • Changed the order of the race dropdown on the Companion page to first list the CreatureList entries and then the RaceList entries.
  • Changed cantrip attack entries to no longer have a book reference in the description field, as it was too cramped in the description field when certain class features added their contributions.
  • Made it possible for an attack to be recognized as both a spell/cantrip and a weapon.
  • Made the attack entries for creatures work identical to those in the WeaponsList object.
  • Made it possible to have another layer of submenus in the “Choose Feature” menu on the second page. For example, the warlock invocations are now sorted by level prerequisite to have them easier to navigate.
  • Made it easier to add an alternative class feature that has extrachoices and autoSelectExtrachoices of its own.
  • Made the Choose Feature menu clearer when it comes to selecting optional class features and alternative class features. Each is now grouped together instead of jumbled up.
  • Made it possible for RaceList and CreatureList entries to have an array for size, so the player is prompted which size to select.
  • Made the average HP to be rounded down on the companion page when a creature is selected (e.g. not a player race).
  • Made it possible for a choice (e.g. of a feat or magic item) to change some spellcasting attributes even if only the parent has the spellcastingBonus attribute. For example, the choice can now change the spellcasting ability score or the spell DC.
  • Added a way for features to add magic items to the magic item section.
  • Added a way for features to add creatures to the list of options on the companion page.
  • Added a way for features to add creatures to a companion page.
  • Added a way for features, traits, and actions to only be added once a minimum character level is reached, similar to how class and racial features are added (new CreatureList.features/traits/actions minlevel attribute).
  • Added the addMod functionality to creatures for use on the companion page.
  • Added a way for creatures to have alternative HP calculations on the companion page that also auto-updates.
  • Added a way to force HP recalculation (calcChanges.hpForceRecalc).
  • Added creatures that are optional Find Familiar choices to the companion familiar menu. They are displayed with the note “(if DM approves)”.
  • Added a way for creatures to be recognized with alternative names (e.g. “Toad” and “Frog” now both work for the same stats).
  • Added a way for creatures to automatically set its companion type, e.g. be a Familiar (new companionApply attribute).
  • Added a way for creatures to automatically have its proficiency bonus match that of the main character (new CreatureList proficiencyBonusLinked attribute).
  • Added a way for creatures to automatically have its number of hit match that of the class level of the main character (new CreatureList hdLinked attribute).
  • Added a way for creatures to have its level-dependent features be determined by the class level of the main character instead of its total level (new CreatureList minlevelLinked attribute).
  • Added a way for attack entries to use the spellcasting attack or DC of a specific spellcasting object. For example, a creature’s attack can now be set to use the Wizard’s spell attack bonus (useSpellMod attribute).
  • Added a way for weapons to have the ‘special’ attribute without having to include it in the description.
  • Added tooltips for the weapons with the special attribute (net and lance).
  • Added a new “Companion” section to the Changes dialog to notify about companion page additions and callback changes.
  • Added menu options to set the checkboxes for Jack of All Trades, Remarkable Athlete, Proficiency Dice, and Players Make All Rolls.
  • Added a way to create ClassFeatureVariants for/with features that have extrachoices.
  • Added callback functions when adding a creature to the companion page (calcChanges.creatureCallback) and when changing something on the companion page to a special companion like a Find Familiar (calcChanges.companionCallback).
  • Added a way for limited features of different sources to be added together natively (no longer a need for eval functions).
  • Added a way for races, feats, and magic items to allow their spells to be upcasted (allowUpCasting attribute).
  • Added a way for an entry in the Choose Feature menu to be both disabled (greyed out) and marked, by having the prereqeval return “markButDisable”. For example, if you now manually add expertise to a skill, that skill will no longer be selectable for the Expertise class feature (i.e. greyed out in the menu), but it will have a checkmark to indicate that it already has expertise enabled.
  • Added a way for a companion to have the saving throw bonuses of the main character displayed (savesLinked attribute).
  • In the Choose Feature menu, the current feature’s object name is now also passed to the prereqeval function, to adhere to the standard set for Feats and Magic Items, so that prereqeval can be used more dynamically.
  • Updated ranger’s companions to make use of the new companion page options (e.g. calcChanges.hp).
  • Improved Wild Shape calculation to look for alternative AC calculations (any armour with the new ArmourList attribute affectsWildShape : true).
  • Improved the dialog that asks the user to make a choice from a radio button list by adding a third and fourth column, to avoid the dialog getting to long.
  • Fixed issue with importing characters from a v12.995 sheet.
  • Fixed issue importing the last row of a spell sheet page.
  • Fixed Staff of Charming not showing its charges in the Limited Features section.
  • Fixed RemoveString() deleting seeming random stuff when called with an empty string.
  • Fixed moving attack entries were not taking their description tooltip along.
  • Fixed fatal error when using the spell selection dialog with older Adobe Acrobat versions (before 2015).
  • Fixed issues with moving attack entries and their tooltips & colour not coming along.
  • Fixed issue with actions not being removed from the first page when deleting ‘special’ companion pages (e.g. ranger companions).
  • Fixed Max HP field being emptied when switching to not having it automatically updated.
  • Fixed Spell Points not being displayed at 1st level for classes with 1/2 spellcasting progression that rounds up (e.g. the artificer).
  • Fixed firearm weapons not being set to proficient when “Firearms” is added as the only/last other weapon proficiency.
  • Fixed setting class automation to manual not working if the “Class” field is empty.

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