github moov-io/watchman v0.20.0
Release v0.20.0

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3 years ago

Watchman v0.20.0 improves scoring by reducing false positives. There are two changes implemented in this
release to achive better scoring. First is to keep a more accurate list of scores for our query, which means
longer queries will return more accurate results than before. Second is that we will always score at least two
words, which helps to reduce false positives from "first last" queries.


  • docs/intro: mention jaro-winkler is used and why
  • search: properly keep top N word scores, match at least two words


  • ofac: skip error with shared initial directory


  • build: use debian stable's slim image
  • fix: Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities
  • meta: fixup from gosec linters

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