github moonrepo/moon v1.15.0

latest releases: v1.33.1, @moonrepo/core-windows-x64-msvc@1.33.1, @moonrepo/core-macos-x64@1.33.1...
17 months ago

💥 Breaking

  • Tasks that depend (via deps) on other tasks from arbitrary projects (the parent project doesn't
    implicitly or explicitly depend on the other project) will now automatically mark that other
    project as a "peer" dependency.

🎉 Release

  • Rewrote the dependency graph from the ground-up:
    • Now known as the action graph.
    • All actions now depend on the SyncWorkspace action, instead of this action running arbitrarily.
    • Cleaned up dependency chains between actions, greatly reducing the number of nodes in the graph.
    • Renamed RunTarget to RunTask, including interactive and persistent variants.
  • Updated the action graph to process using a topological queue, which executes actions on-demand in
    the thread pool when they are ready (dependencies have been met). Previously, we would sort
    topologically into batches, which worked, but resulted in many threads uselessly waiting for an
    action to run, which was blocked waiting for the current batch to complete.
    • For large graphs, this should result in a significant performance improvement.
    • Persistent tasks will still be ran as a batch, but since it's the last operation, it's fine.
  • Released a new GitHub action, moonrepo/setup-toolchain, that replaces both setup-moon-action and setup-proto.

🚀 Updates

  • Added a moon action-graph command.
  • Added a --dependents argument to moon action-graph.
  • Added the ability to skip non-RunTask actions using environment variables.
  • Deprecated the moon dep-graph command.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where task dependents (via moon ci or moon run --dependents) wouldn't always
    locate all downstream tasks.

⚙️ Internal

  • Added in-memory caching to project graph file system lookup operations.
  • Updated Rust to v1.72.

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