github moonrepo/moon @moonrepo/cli@0.6.0

latest releases: v1.32.9, @moonrepo/core-windows-x64-msvc@1.32.9, @moonrepo/core-macos-x64@1.32.9...
2 years ago

🚀 Updates

  • Added a new @group token that can be used be task args and inputs.
  • Added a moon query command for querying information about moon, the environment, and more.
    • To start, moon query touched-files can be used to query touched files. The same files
      moon ci and moon run use.
    • Also moon query projects can be used to query about projects in the project graph.
  • Added bash as a supported value for the project language setting.
  • Added typescript.createMissingConfig and typescript.rootOptionsConfigFileName settings to
  • Updated TypeScript project reference syncing to automatically create missing tsconfig.jsons.
  • Updated moon setup and moon teardown to display spinners while running.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with a globally installed moon not being executable in PowerShell.
  • Fixed an issue with empty files being passed to git hash-object.
  • Fixed an issue where a git merge-base could not be resolved when base and head are provided.

⚙️ Internal

  • Updated Rust to v1.62.
  • Refactored our action runner to support additional languages in the future.
  • Refactored Windows to execute package binaries with node.exe directly, instead of with
    cmd.exe + the .bin/*.cmd file.

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