Native runtimes:
- Moonbase Alphanet: 4
WASM runtimes built using 1.47.0-nightly
and toolchain nightly-2020-10-03-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- Updates to Parachain v1 with support for multi collators. (#102)
- Fixes estimateGas support for refunds (#136, paritytech/frontier#230, paritytech/frontier#227)
- Adds support for revert reason message (paritytech/frontier#224)
- Supports for Eth transaction without ChainId (paritytech/frontier@2ca1d1b)
- Updates genesis for the Alphanet to include test account and new balance values (#116, #121)
- Updates PolkadotJs types to match parachain v1 (#104)
- Sets ExistentialDeposit to 0 to avoid account nonce to be reset (not compatible with Eth) (#119)
- Automate tests specs, now generated when running the test (#113)
- Adds support for the status field in Eth transaction receipt (paritytech/frontier#221)
- Changes receipt encoding to hexadecimal (paritytech/frontier#203)