github moonbeam-foundation/moonbeam runtime-3001
Runtime 3001

one day ago


⚠️ For Moonbeam Only

This release contains only changes for Moonbeam and will not be deployed to other networks


✨ spec_version                : 3001
🏋 size                        : 1968757
#️⃣ sha256                      : 0xabba24064316aca821b34e2a9041d4f57030d20465523b2f841e8b2ef7493f1e
#️⃣ blake2-256                  : 0x975dd6826238a36694d9d0fbada9dfecc915b50c73e94bca81e405cffe3a3cc3
🗳️ proposal (authorizeUpgrade) : 0x7ff7fc37dc8b3705a5a8566fabf839622dfb1ec4553b523aaaf1af5d3d6a30bb

Build information

WASM runtime built using rustc 1.77.0 (aedd173a2 2024-03-17)


  • [Moonbeam] Add migration ComputeTheoreticalFirstSlot (#2845)
  • [Moonbeam] Set the first_slot to zero and fallback to the ideal duration for one round (#2852)

Dependency changes

Moonbeam: runtime-3000...runtime-3001
Polkadot-sdk: moonbeam-foundation/polkadot-sdk@2073906...2073906
Frontier: moonbeam-foundation/frontier@7f424fb...7f424fb
Moonkit: Moonsong-Labs/moonkit@04d420f...04d420f

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