github monkeytypegame/monkeytype v1.6.2

latest releases: v25.10.0, v25.8.0, v25.7.0...
4 years ago

New features:

  • Added min accuracy. Works exactly like min wpm, but for accuracy - automatically failing the test if you fall below a desired threshold.

Bug fixes:

  • Nospace wpm calculation has been fixed.
  • Fixed new language and funbox filters not being selected when clicking the 'all' button.


  • Added Code_C++. Thanks decafff.

Other changes and improvements:

  • Min wpm will now ignore the first 3 words to let you get up to speed or avoid problems with long first words.
  • Accuracy on the account graph has been replaced with error rate (100 - accuracy) to improve readability.
  • Letter highlight mode is forced when using nospace funbox.
  • Clicking tab while the result is calculating will no longer navigate to the footer.
  • Chart colors will now update when you change theme.

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