New features:
- Added media queries to allow the website to be used on smaller width devices.
- On the result page, you can now hover over wpm, raw and accuracy numbers to get exact values with up to two decimal places.
- You now have to verify your email account before being able to access the leaderboards. Sorry, but some people were constantly creating new accounts and trying to cheat on the leaderboards.
- Fixed Dots theme having... too many dots.
- Added Bento. Thanks Corey.
- Updated Monokai to use white text when colorful mode is disabled.
- Added Watermelon. Thanks Corey.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where pressing the menu button would cause 'ContextMenu' to be 'typed'.
- Fixed spacebar not working for some layout.
- Fixed custom themes using properties from other preset themes.
- Fixed a bug where show all lines would affect time mode.
- Fixed timer appearing when not needed.
- Fixed a bug that would cause leaderboard position numbers to say things like '92th' and '51th'.
- Fixed a bug where you couldnt update tags for new results without refreshing the page.
- Made sure punctuation is always disabled in quote mode.
- Fixed incorrect live wpm calculation.
- Fixed a bug where the character ] could not be inputted.
Small changes and improvements:
- When using random theme mode, the theme will change quicker.
- Added sticky headers and footers to the leaderboard tables.
- On the account page, the load more button will only show when there is more lines to load.
- Removed Nausea theme from the random theme pool.
- Changed the punctuation icon on the account page list.
- Spacebar will no longer activate the restart button.