github monkeytypegame/monkeytype v1.1.9

latest releases: v24.24.0, v24.23.0, v24.22.0...
4 years ago

Another update! Missed my daily yesterday - we were trying to figure out how to create a discord bot (soon you will be able to link your discord account with the website for some cool perks). Im pretty sure next update is going to be the account page overhaul.

New features

  • AFK detection. Now if you dont type anything for around 3 seconds, the test will be invalid after it is finished, and will not be saved to the database.
  • Added an error line on the result chart. Now you can see where you made errors, and see how that affected your words per minute.
  • Added a custom words button. Now you can specify exactly how many words you want to type

Other changes and improvements

  • Added meta tags
  • The top-right config menu is now aligned to the right

Bug fixes

  • The wpm over time chart now uses the correct font
  • Fixed a bug where the words would not appear if no config cookie was found
  • Fixed a bug where the font buttons in the settings would require 2 clicks to appear active

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