If you use and enjoy the firmware please consider a donation to support further development.
New Devices
- 1 Gen3
- 1PM Gen3
- 2PM Gen3
- i4 Gen3
- PlugS Gen3
- Plus Uni
- Sensor Support for ShellyPlusUni / ShellyUNI
- Initial Power Measurement Support on Mini1PMG3/+1PMMini
- +2PM and 2PMG3 Powermeter: Use original calibration values from Device partition
- +Plug S: Support for Neopixel Status LEDs
- +2PM HW REV01: fix powermeasurement
- +1PM do not read power coefficients / enable updating
Note that reverting for PlugS Gen3 seems currently not possible, as we have no original firmware available.
Currently reverting for Mini 1/1PM Gen3 is disabled due to problems that could arise that brick the device. Please check the corresponding support issue.
Note: Some users experienced issues with this Firmware on 2PM Gen3: Please be sure to upgrade to latest stock (1.5.1!) before using this firmware
Full Changelog: 2.13.3...2.14.0