github mongodb/mongo-php-driver 1.8.0beta2

latest releases: 1.19.1, 1.19.0, 1.18.1...
pre-release3 years ago

The PHP team is happy to announce that version 1.8.0beta2 of the mongodb PHP extension is now available on PECL.

Release Highlights

This beta release provides support for additional new features in MongoDB 4.4 following the previous 1.8.0beta1 release.

This release introduces support for OCSP and OCSP stapling, which is used to validate the revocation status of TLS certificates. OCSP is enabled by default, but can be controlled via two new URI options: tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck and tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck.

The driver now supports Zstandard compression if it is available during compilation. Applications can opt into using Zstandard by specifying zstd in the compressors URI option, which is used to negotiate supported compression formats when connecting to MongoDB.

The driver now supports a directConnection URI option, which can be used to control replica set discovery behavior when only a single host is provided in the connection string. By default, providing a single member in the connection string will establish a direct connection or discover additional members depending on whether the replicaSet option is omitted or present, respectively. This default behavior remains unchanged, but applications can now specify directConnection=false to force discovery to occur (if replicaSet is omitted) or specify directConnection=true to force a direct connection (if replicaSet is present).

The ReadPreference constructor now supports a hedge option, which can be passed ['enabled' => true] to enable Hedged Reads when connected to a MongoDB 4.4 sharded cluster.

This release also fixes a long-standing bug where the driver might segfault during shutdown while garbage-collecting a ReadConcern, ReadPreference, or WriteConcern object.

As previously announced, this version drops compatibility with PHP 5.6 and requires PHP 7.0 or newer.

A complete list of resolved issues in this release may be found at:


Documentation is available on


We would appreciate any feedback you might have on the project:


You can either download and install the source manually, or you can install the extension with:

pecl install mongodb-1.8.0beta2

or update with:

pecl upgrade mongodb-1.8.0beta2

Windows binaries are available on PECL:

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