github mongodb/mongo-go-driver v1.4.2
MongoDB Go Driver 1.4.2

latest releases: v1.16.0-prerelease, v1.15.0, v1.15.0-alpha1...
3 years ago

The MongoDB Go driver team is pleased to release 1.4.2 of the official Go driver.

This release contains several bug fixes, a fix to our existing deprecation notices to ensure they follow the format required by linters such as staticcheck, and an upgrade to our go-yaml dependency so the driver is not susceptible to CVE-2019-11254.

Documentation can be found on and the MongoDB documentation site. BSON library documentation is also available on Questions and inquiries can be asked on the MongoDB Developer Community. Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver Jira where a list of current issues can be found.

Release Notes




  • [GODRIVER-1739] - Ensure retryable writes testing checks for absence/presence of error labels
  • [GODRIVER-1741] - Specify error label in retryable writes test

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