- The zLib and Snappy compression libraries are bundled if not available.
Wire protocol compression is enabled on Windows.- mongoc_collection_find_and_modify_with_opts now respects a "writeConcern"
field in the "extra" BSON document in its mongoc_find_and_modify_opts_t. - The command functions mongoc_client_read_write_command_with_opts,
mongoc_database_read_write_command_with_opts, and
mongoc_collection_read_write_command_with_opts now ignore the "read_prefs"
parameter. - mongoc_collection_create_index and mongoc_collection_create_index_with_opts
are both now deprecated. Use mongoc_database_write_command_with_opts
instead; a guide to creating an index using that function has been added. - Use select, not WSAPoll, on Windows.
- Always mark a server "Unknown" after a network error (besides a timeout).
- mongoc_client_pool_t sends platform metadata to the server; before, only a
single mongoc_client_t did. - New stream method mongoc_stream_timed_out.
- Wire version checks introduced in 1.8.0 will prevent the driver from
connecting to a future MongoDB server version if its wire protocol is
incompatible. - New CMake option ENABLE_MAINTAINER_FLAGS.
- mongoc_collection_find_and_modify_with_opts now respects a "writeConcern"
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the development of this release.
- A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
- Hannes Magnusson
- Jeremy Mikola
-- A. Jesse Jiryu Davis