github mongodb/mongo-c-driver 1.1.6
Mongo-c-driver 1.1.6

latest releases: debian/1.26.2-1, 1.26.2, debian/1.26.1-1...
8 years ago

mongo-c-driver 1.1.6

It is my pleasure to announce to you the 1.1.6 release of the MongoDB C driver.

This is a patch release with performance enhancements and bug fixes:

  • mongoc_bulk_operation_execute now coalesces consecutive update operations
    into a single message to a MongoDB 2.6+ server, yielding huge performance
    gains. Same for remove operations. (Inserts were always coalesced.)
  • Large numbers of insert operations are now properly batched according to
    number of documents and total data size.
  • GSSAPI / Kerberos auth now works.
  • The driver no longer tries three times in vain to reconnect to a primary,
    so socketTimeoutMS and connectTimeoutMS now behave closer to what you
    expect for replica sets with down members. A full fix awaits 1.2.0.

I snuck in a feature:

  • mongoc_matcher_t now supports basic subdocument and array matching

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the development of this point release for

  • A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
  • Jason Carey
  • Kai Mast
  • Matt Cotter


A. Jesse Jiryu Davis

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