github mongodb/mongo-c-driver 0.94.0
mongo-c-driver 0.94.0

latest releases: debian/1.27.2-1, 1.27.2, debian/1.27.1-1...
10 years ago

The mongo-c-driver team is proud to announce the release of 0.94.0. This release is a followup to the previous release adding more features to be found in MongoDB 2.6.

You will find some new API's, bug fixes, and more documentation.

Under the hood, 0.94.0 uses the new write-commands as part of MongoDB 2.6. This happens automatically when the driver discovers it is communicating with a MongoDB 2.6 capable server. Pre-2.6 servers are still supported and automatically use the legacy wire-protocol.

Additionally, there is now a bulk operation API (See mongoc-bulk-operation.h).

Helpers for common server commands have been added. You can find most of them in mongoc-collection.h.

We've provided pre-built binaries below for Win64 and Solaris 11 x86_64. If you would like binaries made for your platform, just ask!

Thanks to all our wonderful contributors!

Happy Hacking!

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