github mongodb-js/compass v1.3.0

latest releases: v1.44.7-beta.1, compass-preferences-model@2.30.0, compass-e2e-tests@1.27.6...
8 years ago

The MongoDB Compass team is proud to announce our latest release on the Stable channel, v1.3.0.

New Features

Create, Update, Delete Documents

MongoDB Compass now allows you to create, update, and delete single documents within the Documents tab.




Explain Plan "Visual Tree"

Compass 1.3 enhances the Explain Plan tab to show results as a "Visual Tree", in addition to the "Raw JSON" view available in Compass 1.2.


Geographic visualization and query builder

Compass 1.3 detects GeoJSON and latitude/longitude coordinate pairs within your collections, and visualizes them using interactive maps. The maps also permit interactive query construction.


SSH Tunnel support

Compass 1.3's connection dialog now allows you to define SSH Tunnels which automatically start when you connect to MongoDB, and stop when you disconnect.


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